The Foomie Page

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Foomies in the back

Foomies and Marybeth. Click the photo for a little bit of attitude!
The boys in the front, the ladies in the back.  What's wrong with this picture?
Both these photos were taken at the Richmond Arms during Ben's birthday celebration.

Foomies with Lucy

Manda and Karen
This photo and the one to the right were both taken at El Centro during Manda's bachelorette party.

Manda and Kathleen. Need your shoes shined?

Kathleen and I and twins
Also at Manda's bachelorette party

Karen Gina.

Click her photo for some sass.  I guess that's what we'll call it.
Member that commercial with the guy looking into his freezer and he sees his eggos and he gets all happy and his mouth gets really big?  Yeah.